Online version Topic: 3.8.1 Basemap data

3.8.1 Basemap data

MigriX allows importing of cultural data to the Basemaps folder in the Project Workspace and plot the data as lines or points in 3D space or mapped onto layers or Gridmaps. Various input data formats are supported including Irap, Zmap ASCII, Shape, CSV and generic XYZ formats. All full list of supported formats can be found in the Data formats section.
Data files are imported by RMB clicking on the Basemaps folder (or any subfolder) and selecting either of the Import to new group, Import as lines or Import as points options. When using the import as lines option with multi-column data (e.g .csv formatted files), you also need to select which of the columns to show display text labels. It is also possible to drag a basemap file into the 3D view and drop it onto a layer.
The Add Lines... options allow for loading of various types of line data from the model. The available data types are listed in Table 3.8. Most of these options require that a point has been picked first. The lines will be fetched only for this point ("Picked" options), or for the layer ("Layer" options) which the point is picked on.
   Table 3.8 Add Lines data types
 The outline of the current picked mesh element.
Layer pinchouts
Pinchout lines for the layer of the current picked point
Picked faultOutline
Fault outlines for the current picked fault segment point
Layer faultsOutline
Fault outlines for the layer of the current picked point
Layer lateralBarriers
LateralBarrier outlines for the layer of the current picked point
Layer traceBarriers
LateralBarrier mesh outlines for the layer of the current picked point
Picked drainage
Outline at the drainage area of the current picked point
Layer drainages
All drainage areas for the layer of the current picked point
Picked flowpath
Flowpath from the current picked point
Layer spillpaths
All spillpaths for the layer of the current picked point
Options for mapping line data and text labels onto surfaces are found in the Basemaps properties panel.  The Basemap tab is used for defining surface mapping and line style options, while the options specific to text labels are found in the Label tab.
Note that MigriX only stores references to the original input files and will reload data from these files each time the project is opened. If a basemap input file is moved or deleted, it will therefore not be accessible in MigriX. File references with broken links will  be marked with red colour in the Project Workspace.
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